Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Definitions of Scientific Terms

1. Calcaneus - Heel of the foot
2.  Phalanges - Bones that from the fingers
3.  Manus - The hands
4.  Palma - The palm
5.  Brachium - The arms
6.  Flex - To bend a part of your body
7.  Dorsal Area - The back
8.  Gluteus Maximus - The buttocks
9.  Quadriceps - Thigh portion of the upper leg
10.  Extend - A part of the body that you straighten completely
11.  Cephalon - The head
12.  Oculus - The eyes
13.  Oris - The mouth
14.  Nausus - The nose
15.  Mentris - The chin
16.  Buccas - The cheeks
17.  Auris - The ears
18.  Frons - The forehead
19.  Anterior - Front portion of the body
20.  Thoracic Area - Chest portion of the upper body
21.  Deltoid - Outter part or curve of the shoulder
22.  Acromial - The shoulder
23.  Anterior - situated before or at the front
24.  Posterior - further back in position or near the rear or hind end
25.  Interior - away from head
26.  Superior - towards the head
27.  Abduction - is a movement in which it brings a part of the anatomy away from the body
28.  Extention - The act of straightening or extending a flexed limb
29.  Center of gravity - point around which body weight is equally balanced no matter how the body is postioned 
30.  Muscle endurance - the ability of a muscle or a group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for a period of time
31.  Pronation - the act of assuring the prone position, or the state of being prone. Applied to the hand, the act of turning the palm backward or downward, performed by medial rotation of the forearm
32.  Lateral- situated on, directed toward, or coming from the side
33.  Medial- Pertaining to the middle; in or toward the middle; nearer the middle of the body
34.  Diagonal plane- Upper limbs at shoulder joints, overhand skills
35.  Transverse plane - is an imaginary plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts. It is perpendicular to the coronal and sagittal planes
36.  Superficial- concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually
37.  Saggital Plane- Plane in which foward and backward movements of the body and body segments occur
38.  Bilateral- pertaining to, involving, or affecting two or both sides, factions, parties
39.  Flextion - a movement allowed by certain joints of the skeleton that decreases the angle between two adjoining bones, such as bending the elbow, which decreases the angle between the humerus and the ulna
40.  Lattissmuss Dorsi - broadest muscle of the back
41.  Longitudinal Axis- imaginary line/axis of rotation around which the transverse plane rotations occur. When a segment of the body moves, it rotates around an axis of rotation that passes through a joint to which it is attached
42.  General Motion- A combination of angular motion and linear motion. It is the most common form of motion in sport
43.  Plantar Flexion - is a saggital plane movement in which it is an extention movement
44.  Pectoralis major - is a thick, fan-shaped muscle, situated at the chest (anterior) of the body. It makes up the bulk of the chest muscles in the male and female
45.  Type IIb Muscle fibers- These fibres, also called fast twitch or fast glycolytic fibres, contain a low content of myoglobin, relatively few mitochondria, relatively few blood capillaries and large amounts glycogen.
46.  Inversion- turning the sole of the foot inward towards the body. Example- standing with weight on the outer edge of the foot
47.  Eversion- turning the sole of the foot outward away from the body. Example- standing with weight on the inner edge of the foot
48.  Ulnar Deviation- rotation of the hand at the wrist in the frontal plane toward the ulna (little finger side)
49.  Radial Deviation- rotation of the hand at the wrist in the frontal plane toward the radius (thumb side).
50.  Pelvic Girdle- the two hip bones plus the sacrum, which can be rotated forward, back, and laterally to optimize positioning of the hip
51.  Abdominal muscles- Rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques, are the main parts to the abdomen. They bilaterally function in that they are major spinal flexors and reduce anterior pelvic tilt
52.  Sinster- related to or situated to the left or on the left side of something
53.  Dexter-related to or situated to the right or on the right side of something
54.  Lateral Flexion- (side bending) sideways rotation of the trunk away from the midline, which can be right or left lateral flexion
55.  Acetabular femoral joint- another name for the hip joint. It is the cup shaped socket of the hip joint. It is a key feature of the pelvic anatomy


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Exercise Skill #3 to help improve your kicking game

By doing squats it helps you to develop more muscle that is targeted in all muscles in the legs and others.  This exercise in the weight room can help you develop more strength in your legs as well as make you quicker in your step approach to kicking

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Expert Video

Steps of how to kick a football

Step 1:
Setting the football up on the tee is very crucial and important to how you will make contact with the ball.  You want to set the ball up with a slight lean so its just inside of a 90 degree angle.

Step 2:
After setting the ball up, you then want to take 3 normal paced steps backwards off of a imaginary straight line even with the ball on tee starting with step#1.

Step 3:
You continue step 2 with your second step backwards on the imaginary line with the ball on tee.

Step 4:
After completing your 3rd and final step on the imaginary line, you plant both feet in a stable anatomical position and again, lineup ur imaginary line with the ball on tee and your target of between the goalposts.

Step 5:
After making sure all your alignments are correct you then take a lateral normal step toward your non-kicking leg.  In this pcture above it would be to the left.

Step 6:
After lining up all your targets and angles from your new position, get set, focus, and keep your head down through your follow-through.

Step 7:
After being set, you take a small approach step at the ball on tee.

Step 8:
After you first approach step you take alittle bit larger of a stride with your next step.

Step 9:
By your third step you should be within striking distance of the ball on tee.  At this point in time your opposite arm of your kicking leg will naturally star raising toward the sky.  This happens for balance and direction.

Step 10:
By this step your non-kicking leg should be planted inches along the side of the tee with your kicking leg raising.

Step 11:
Your kicking leg should be as far back as it will go with it about to return in the opposite direction with a lot of velocity and force behind it.  Also, your opposite arm of your kicking leg should also be as high as it will go for balance when impact of the kick occurs.

Step 12:
Impact of the ball from the kick.  Your non-kicking arm naturally now lowers as the force and impact are being made.

Step 13:
Follow-through of kick

Step 14:
Follow-through of kick being finished off to maintain the maximum velocity and force to backup the follow-through of the kick.

Novice Video